slow fashion movement

Support sustainable and ethical fashion with just €5 a month

Join 53,000 supporters accross the world in leading the slow fashion movement.

See how your donations help our cause

Your one-time support

€ 5

Sharing sustainable fashion globally

Helps us host online educational content that reaches people worldwide

€ 10

Standing for fair labour practices

Aids in establishing partnerships that uphold fair labour practices

€ 20

Sparking sustainability through creativity

Contributes to hosting in-person workshops and events that inspire upcycling and transform old into new

Your monthly support

€ 5

Broadening the knowledge base

Helps us sustain our research practices to drive innovative solutions for a sustainable future

€ 10

Fueling our movement

Funds our SFS campaign that disincentivises production by promoting reduced buying behaviour

€ 20

Transforming the fashion industry

Contributes to hosting large-scale events, expanding our reach and creating a more responsible industry

We are growing exponentially and are making a difference in the fashion industry with YOUR help!

Other ways to help

Become an ambassador

Be a catalyst for change by amplifying our message of sustainable fashion and igniting transformation within your sphere of influence.

Become a local organizer

Take the lead in your community by becoming a local organiser, driving events and initiatives that promote slow fashion practices.

Become a volunteer

Make a hands-on impact by volunteering with us, contributing your skills and time to support our mission for a greener fashion industry.

Help us create a world where clothing respects our planet and the people who make it

Help us create impact

Got a question regarding donation? Or do you want to help us in other ways? Reach out to to start a conversation.

Slow fashion Movement

in solidarity with